My Blog List

Friday 18 March 2011

FInal Deadline approaching!


All filming and sound editing needs to be completed and saved to the network by the above date. You will also need to burn a copy of your final product onto a disc. Remember to blog all your decisions, any changes you make, and any problems you face.

Titles Task

A reminder that each member of the group should be researching examples of titles/credits to give you ideas you can use in your finished piece. Each individual needs to post a discussion of 3 examples they particularly liked or may wish to use aspects of.
Things to consider could include:
How do the film title, graphics, music, and placement, all work in the overall construction of the sequence?
Do they contribute anything to the meaning about character, mood, atmosphere or any aspect of narrative?
Are there any aspects of them you think would work for your opening sequence?

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Deadline Reminder!

Remember your next deadline is fast approaching! All your rushes (unedited footage) should be on the network by Friday 11th March.

Some of you will meet this easily but for those of you who have not started your fliming, please try not to leave it until the last minute. A lot of groups have found that problems have arisen during filming which are outside of their control. If this happens to you and you miss the deadline, it will still affect your grade! Use your time as productively as possible and don't forget to book equipment early!!